< University of Manchester, Lexis of Cloth & Clothing Project, Search Result For: 'great miniver'

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great miniver

, great + miniver.
Searchable Lemmata: gros menever (AF), gret meni-ver (ME).
Alternate Forms: gret menyvere, gret menuver.

    Definitions and Defining Citations:

1(n.) Raw Material; also 'gross miniver' (i.e. grover) or 'large miniver'; probably untrimmed miniver; possibly showing part of the grey back fur (of the red squirrel from which it was typically taken) around the white belly fur which was called miniver.(ante 1422 - post 1450 ?)
1. I bequeth to Elizabeth ... i gown furred with gret menyvere Legal, Wills. [MED EEWills (50/19) 1422]
2. Item, 1 Goune de violet, furrez de gros Menever, pris xl s. ... 1 Goune d'Escarlet, furrez de Marterons ... Furrez de sides de Foynes & Marterons ... Legal. [MED RParl. (4.235) 1423]
AF, ME; Primarily Legal.
Sex: Male, Female    Use: n/a    Status: High    Ceremonial: No
Body Parts: N/A.

    Etymological Evidence:

Definite, ME gret / AF gros 'great' + miniver (q.v.).
WF: Compound
Etym Cog: